Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Assignment 3 - W.I.P

Here's my work in progress for my own birthday card design.

First of all, I used the same font and background color.

Then I traced the cartoon face and hair from reference by using a pen tool. I used different layer for each different part such as hair and face.

After that, by using the pen tool, I trace the shading part of his face in different layer.

Next I put some color for face and hair. Then I used a gradient tool for certain part.

Then I moved to next part, which is hand and body. Same tools as before which is the pen tool.

After several traces, coloring and gradient, one cartoon character is finished and ready to change position.

I placed him in proper position based on my sketch.

For star, I used a star tool to create stars. Then I arranged it in proper position based on my sketch.

To play save, I've convert all font into outlines because not all computers have the same font.

For the inside of the birthday card, I've copy the cartoon character and transform it by reflect it in vertical.

Then I slightly rotate his head and delete his right arm.

After that, I copy the right and transform it by reflect it in vertical axis.

I've changed the background color and again, used the pen tool to create a speak bubble.

Adding the text inside the speak bubble.

Then change the stroke of the speak bubble to make it much more beautiful.

Finally, It's finished.

Assignment 3 - documentation

For this assignment, I would like to create a birthday card for teenagers. We know that teenagers really like to have a ROCKING birthday.

So I've choose :

This birthday card really nice and have the element that can attract to the teenagers. It's simple but nice.

For the text, I've choose:

Simple but nice. This statement also can attract teenagers.

After make some research, I've decided to make it more interesting by place some cartoon character in my own birthday card design. One of my favorite illustrator artwork is from TVM studio. After I 'google' some image, I found one interesting image from TVM studio. It's really nice cartoon character.

So this will be my reference for cartoon character:

So I try to sketch and make it fit with the birthday card design that I choose. After several sketch, I manage to create the final sketch design. So here is it:

Most of the teenagers are always dream to be a star. That's why I decide to put some start in my design.